Saturday, September 12, 2015

Daily Goals

 Cleaning Challenges

Trash Challenge
Find 10 things to throw away.

Putting Things Away challenge
Put ten things away that aren't in their proper spot. Everything has a spot. 

Put Dishes Away Challenge 
Find dishes that need to go in the kitchen (dirty ones) and take them and wash them.

Invisible Corners
Find messy invisible corners and do a 20/10 on those corners, at least one a day.
Work 20 minutes, 10 min break and continue til all is done.

Unattractive Challenge
Clean the messiest surface off by doing a 20/10. Do not relocate the mess, actually put things away

Floor Challenge
Pick up 10 things off of the floor and put them back where they belong.

Bathroom Challenge
Clean up your bathroom quickly. Make it look nice, wipe off surfaces, including the floor with a once-over.

Flat Surface Challenge
Look around the surface your computer, phone, tablet etc is. Advert your eyes and clean it up.


Electronic Challenges